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Final Exam summer semester 2009

Final exam

Figure 2.1, Figure 7.1 and Figure 7.2 will be provided to you during exam.

Final Exam format from the following questions: True False, Multiple choice, Essay


Slides 3:

  1. What are the difference between physical system and virtual system?

  2. Give an example of physical system and virtual system?

  3. What is Information System (IS)?

  4. What are the five components of IS?

  5. What is the difference between Information and Data?

  6. What is the difference between Information System and Information Technology (IT)?

  7. What is Management Information Systems (MIS) definition?

  8. As shown in Figure 2.1 (General system model of the firm), The physical system of the firm is open loop. Explain why? Answer: Firms take resources from their environments, transforms these resources into products and services, and return the transformed resources to the environment.

  9. As shown in Figure 2.1 (General system model of the firm), The virtual system of the firm is close loop. Explain how the feedback loop works?
    The Feedback Loop: Data are gathered from the firm and from the environment and entered into the information processor, which transform it into information. The information is made available to managers to make decisions to affect necessary changes in the physical system.

  10. What is Environmental Element of the firm? Give five elements of them? Answer: Environmental elements are organizations or individuals that exist outside the firm and have a direct or indirect influence on it. Five elements: Customer, Government, Competitor, supplier, financial committee.


Slides 4:

  1. What is the system approach definition?

  2. What are the phases of the system approaches?

  3. Step one in the system approaches is viewing the firm as a system. How to accomplish this step?

  4. Step one in the system approaches is proceeding from a system to a subsystem. What the purpose of this step?

  5. Based on Figure 7.3, assume that the problem is that the Excel software doesn't work well, in which element this problem located? Answer: Information processor element

  6. Assume that the problem in the firm is that the computer hardesk can not handle and store large volume of data, in step six of system approach, what are the alternatives solution can be identified?

  7. Give a title to this paragraph

    Personnel are hired by the firm, transformed into a higher level of skill through training and experience, and may eventually leave the firm. Material enters the firm in the form of raw materials and is transformed into finished goods, which are sold to the firm's customers. Machines are purchased, used, and eventually scrapped or traded in on new machines. Money enters the firm in the form of such inputs as sales receipts, shareholder investments, and loans and is transformed into such outputs as payments to suppliers, taxes to the government, and returns to stockholders.

    Answer: Title: Physical system resources flow


Slides 5:

  1. Based on Figure 2.1, One of the physical resources in the firm is machines, what are the machines in supermarket ?

  2. Based on Figure 2.1, What is the transformation process in supermarket includes?

  3. Based on Figure 2.1, How Information processor in supermarket works?

  4. Based on AM example, Which subsystem division in AM that has most difficulty in meeting share market objectives?

  5. Based on AM example, when we apply step five of system approach, which element the problem is located? Answer: Information processor element

  6. Based on AM example, when we apply step five of system approach, we found that the problem is located in Information processor element. Explain how it was a problem although hardware and software are perfect? Answer: the MiniVan managers are not receiving all of the information they need. Specifically, not enough information is available on government and business organizations that buy competitive automobiles. Without this information, AM is unable to tap those particular market segments. _____________________________________________________________________________ Slides 6:

  7. What is Ecommerce Definition?
  8. What is the difference between Business to Customer (B2C), B2B, C2B, C2C?
  9. Give one example of each B2C, B2B, and C2C?
  10. Give three benefits of Ecommerce?
  11. Give an example of each Digital product and Physical product? What is the key different between them? Answer: Digital product such as Songs, DVDs. and programs. Physical product such as books, chairs and mobiles. The key different between them is that Digital product can be obtained by downloading from Internet while Physical product must be shipped and delayed.
  12. Give an example of each Virtual Sales and Hybrid Sales? What is the different between them? _____________________________________________________________________________ Slides 7:
  13. What is the difference between Ebusiness and Ecommerce? Answer: Ebusiness is: managing employees and customer information online, buying and selling products online. Ecommerce is: only buying and selling products online. On the other hand, Ecommerce is part of Ebusiness.
  14. What is M-Commerce?
  15. Give a case study of Ecommerce Security. Answer: Hundreds of users were deceived into handing over their credit card numbers and passport information as they paid for non-existent tickets to events at the Beijing Olympics 2008
  16. HOW CAN A CUSTOMER KNOW HIS/HER PAYMENT INFORMATION IS SECURELY TRANSMITTED? Answer: Look for the s after http in the web address before making the payment (https), and the padlock at the botton of the browser.
  17. What is SSL? _____________________________________________________________________________ Slides 8:
  18. What is Databse?
  19. What is Database Mangement System (DBMS)?
  20. What are Database applications? Answer: Microsoft Access, SQL, Oracle
  21. What is the relationship between Database and MIS? Answer: The database must allow managers to find specific data easily and quickly for decision making.
  22. Give an example of Network Database? Answer: Bank database, Airline database
  23. In Microsoft Access, What is Query, Form and Report? Answer : Queries can be defined to retrieve information from the tables

    o Forms can be specified to provide a nicer, graphical user interface for entering and viewing data stored in tables

    o Reports can be defined in order to nicely format and print the contents of tables and the output of queries

  24. The daily rental car company database may contain information about customers, employees, and cars. For Customer we record their customer ID, account number, full names, drive license ID, address, and phone number. For employees of the company we record, their employee ID, names, address, salary, identification number, and qualifications degree. For Cars the company needs to keep the following information: Car ID, tag number, model, made year, picture, condition, and availability.
  • We need another table called “rental order” that makes relationships to other tables. For this table we record: rental ID, _Custerm ID_, employee ID, _Car ID_, Tank level, mileage started, mileage end, total mileage, start date, end date, total days, rate applied, rate tax.

  • How many tables do you prefer to build this database? _Four Tables_

  • Show all tables in design view, for each table include the field name and datatype, as shown in figure below
  • Table 1: Customer Table

    Field Name

    Data Type

    Customer ID

    Auto Number

    Account Number


    Full name


    Drive License Number




    Phone Number




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